Friday 19 April 2024


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“Les Fruits Rouges de mon jardin”, Frédéric Cassel

27 July 2021
Berries inspiration

They grow in large number of tasty varieties in the garden of Frédéric Cassel, generous and creative pastry chef in Fontainebleau, including president of the prestigious association Relais Desserts for 15 years.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, redcurrants, blueberries, blackcurrant, cherries... The chef presents these treasures of nature and celebrates them in 70 cheerful recipes, from the authentic charlotte to the regressive roudoudou, through pies, entremets, cakes and other daily or festive desserts. So many ways to honor the arrival of summer, the high season of this rib of berries, whose dress from ruby red to slate blue dresses the green with dotted lines, and whose sour and juicy taste sparkles under the tongue and in the eyes of gourmets.

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